I am very happy to write a brief note concerning Professor Salles Filho, whom we enjoyed hosting as a Visiting Scholar at Manchester Institute of Innovation Research a few years ago. Our main contacts have been academic ones, where we have overlapping interests in several areas – innovation studies, social studies of science and technology, foresight research. I have participated in webinars and lecture series/ short courses that he has organized on these topics, and these have been consistently of high professional quality, and conducted in a manner that is both serious and convivial. His own presentations, as with his published work, are illuminating and focused on issues that are topical and relevant to policymakers and other social actors. I am only familiar with his English-language writings: these have appeared in the “top” journals in our area, and are cited both by those focused on Brazilian affairs and those with more general interests in issues of science, technology, and development.
Visiting the Instituto de Geociencias has always been a pleasure; there is a friendly and collegial atmosphere, with great willingness to share ideas and knowledge.
Professor Salles Filho clearly possesses a talent for nurturing the institutions that
he is responsible for, and I’m sure that he will continue to steer Unicamp in rewarding directions in these difficult times.